Home Watch Inspection
Check for forced entry/vandalism/storm damage/pests/animal intrusion
- Ensure all windows and doors are secure
- Check for water leaks or damage/signs of mold or mildew
- Check for unusual odors or noises
- Ensure Air Conditioner is operating/check thermostat settings/check filters
Flush all toilets/run all faucets/inspect under sinks (ensure water supply off)
- Inspect electrical panel for tripped breakers/inspect and test smoke detectors
- Check hot water tank (ensure breaker is off)
- Collect mail/newspapers/remove debris/verify lawn & pool maintenance
- Complete perimeter check (inspect pool/lanai screening/irrigation system)
Check exterior/interior lighting/timers operating
- IMMEDIATE notification of any problems or concerns
- Detailed reports electronically sent to clients (using QRIDit software)
QRIDit Home Watch Reporting System
- Verifies inspector is at your home (GPS Qrid card technology)
- Instant reports (with pictures)
- Easy/convenient/archived reports easily accessible 24/7
Airport transportation: pickup/departure (for Clients only)
- Snowbird car delivery (You Fly…We Drive)
- Package delivery/pickup/forwarding
- Open & prepare home (for owner or guests)
- Grocery shopping
- Close home (for owner or guests)
- Pre-storm preparation assistance/post storm inspection
- Vehicle care: start-up/run/battery charging/washing
- Pressure washing house/lanai/driveway
- Painting
- We will assist finding lawn care/pool maintenance
Vacation Rental By Owner
- Open & prepare home (before renters arrival)
- Home presentation with renters (on arrival & departure)/key exchange
- Assist/coordinate repair/maintenance issues (while renters are present)
Access/waiting service (contractors/deliveries/installations/repairs/cleaning)
- Key exchange (guests/renters/real estate agents/home appraisers)
- Lockouts (missing/lost keys guests)
Emergency Response
- Alarm system activation (requiring immediate attention)
- Police/Fire needing key-holder (vandals/break-in/fire/power outage)